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Monday 11 July 2016


Hello one and all. 
And welcome to today's blog.

A few months ago I watched a film called Labour Day, starring Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin. 

The film is about an escaped convict who takes a boy hostage then forces the boy's semi agoraphobic Mother to hide him out in her home. 

Sounds rough? But it's actually a beautiful and sad love story.
The scene below was so well shot that it inspired me to make this recipe for fresh peach pie.

Labour Day review 

After watching this I wondered whether it was possible to have a second sexual awakening?

By the way, my first was Richard E Grant in Warlock. 
But you guys probably knew that already?

Those eyes, those eyes.
Perfectly suited for dreaming about over pies. 

I know, don't give up my day job.

Well, I've had a nice cup of tea and a sit down to calm myself.

Josh Brolin was also in The Goonies.
One of my favorite films. Hence the name Goonies never say die peach pie

Goonies never say die.

Here's the recipe for my peach pie. It's not exactly like the one Josh Brolin and Kate Winslet made but it's a damn good pie.
Now go and find someone to sexually mulch up some peaches with you. 
I had to do it on my own. BORING!

Goonies never say die Peach Pie


For the pastry:
210g plain flour
150g unsalted butter
25g caster sugar
25g icing sugar
1 large egg
pinch salt

For the filling:
1kg fresh ripe peaches
25g caster sugar
80g seeded raspberry jam

And don't forget a generous pinch of Josh Brolin. Tee hee hee.


To make the pastry put all the ingredients except the egg into a food processor and pulse  till it looks like bread crumbs.
Add the egg and pulse till the dough just comes together.
(If you don't have a food processor then rub the butter into the flour and sugar with your fingertips till you get a breadcrumb consistency, whisk the eggs then add to the flour mix and mix until just incorporated).

Flour your work surface and put the dough on top and knead lightly until smooth.
Cut the dough in half, wrap one half in cling film and put in the fridge.
Roll out the other half till about 2cm thick and line your pie dish. Leave for 5 minutes.
Cut the excess round the pie dish and crimp the edges. Pierce the bottom with a fork a couple of times then place in the fridge and leave for about 30 minutes.

Set oven to 170 degrees or equivalent.

Have a coffee, dance in your pants to 70's rock like I was doing while making this.

Take the pie dish out of the fridge, line with baking paper and fill with rice, pasta or dried beans.
Bake for 20 minutes, take out of the oven, remove the rice, pasta and brush the bottom with a little beaten egg and bake for another 10 minutes.
Take out and leave to cool.

Cut  your peaches into wedges (no need to peel). Mix with the sugar and jam.
Place into the cooled pie crust.

Flour your work surface and roll out 2/3rds of the pastry. Lay on top of the pie dish.
Use the rest of your pastry to decorate the top however you like.
Brush with egg and poke a few holes in.

Bake for about 50 minutes to one hour 10 minutes. 
My over is absolutely rubbish so I had to turn the pie a couple of times to get an even bake. If you have a fan oven you should be fine.  
Leave to cool for about 30 minutes before you eat or you'll burn your mouth off.

I think its best completely cooled with some ice cream.

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