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Wednesday 5 September 2012

Detox? Hey, come on!

From time to time we all overdo it a bit.

Beer, vodka, pork pies and late nights watching Dolph Lundgren films. Those are my vices.

 My kidneys ache, my liver has the cold sweats, my stomach wants to crawl out and slap me across the face.
My skin and hair....... Well, lucky me I'm blessed with a fine mane of hair like that of a Norse God (Thanks Mum and Dad).
It's OK, it balances out as I have the height of a 10 year old boy.

Now I don't condone any form of dieting. Bugger that.
If you want to loose weight change your lifestyle.

On the other hand I quite like my lifestyle but need a little break every now and then.

Some magic elixir that will do my insides good. Jagermeister? Ah ha ha. No!

I'm talking juice here people.
Detox juice. Lay off the booze for a few days and get some vitamins back into your system.

Here is a fitting video from Strapping Young Lad.
Don't watch it if you want to wind down.
I'm sitting with the laptop on my knees watching this and bashing my feet together franticly.


I actually went on a proper detox once.
 I lasted a week and a half,  had a complete mental breakdown and ran crying to KFC.
I will never eat brown rice again.

Apple, ginger, cucumber and spinach juice

2 apples (I like Granny Smith for the tartness) cored and cut into wedges
Quarter cucumber cut into chunks
Half teaspoon fresh minced ginger
Big hand full washed spinach

It's pretty simple really. If you have an electric juicer then just pop everything in and juice.
Otherwise, stick everything in a blender and  whizz until as smooth as possible. You can just drink it like this or pour it through a fine mesh sieve or muslin so you get rid of the bits.

You will feel better. Until your next beer.