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Monday 14 October 2013

Cocktail Monday proudly presents Black Breath

To all of you on "STOPTOBER".

Don't read any further.

And also............... BITE ME!

There's no such thing as "I'm not drinking this month" in the language of a Glaswegian.

Heresy I say, Heresy. 

Unless of course you are a recovering alcoholic. Then fair play to ye.  

So cocktail Monday has returned with a cheeky little recipe involving the nemesis of all civilized nights out. 


Ah, Jagermeister. That marvelous little gleaming black shot.
"'I'll just have the one, y'know. To get me in the party mood".

8 shots later and you've got your knickers on your head, you've made best pals with a bunch of Hell's Angels, you've got someone's house plant in your pocket and your dancing like Prince in the middle of the street. 

Not speaking from experience or anything.

I've named this cocktail after the band Black Breath. They are from Seattle (my spiritual home) and sound "Entombedy". That's a new adjective I made up. 

They also seem to have resurrected Cliff Burton from the dead. Oh I'm sorry, are you too young to know who that is??????????

I'm going to do this cocktail recipe in picture form because after a few you won't be able to read anymore.

Appetite of Destruction takes no responsibility for any damage, criminal activity or loss of limbs due to drinking this cocktail.

Black Breath

You will need

One large glass.

Lots of ice. Polar bear optional.

25ml shot black vodka. Preferably the above brand.

25ml Jagermeister

Half a bottle of alcoholic ginger beer. 

100ml Apple juice

Cocktail umbrella

Enjoy responsibly. Please.

Sunday 13 October 2013

A feast fit for a circle pit.

Well with the new Annihilator album out this year, what better way than to celebrate with a FEAST (get it, get it).

Now most people these days say they don't have a lot of time for cooking.  I say "BULLSHIT"!

Here's my tricks for COOKING FOR A CROWD.

What you want to do is to make life easy for yourself. 
You don't want to be standing in the kitchen all night slaving over a hot stove while your buddies circle pit in your living room. 

No, no. You wanna fling everything in the oven, strap on your spiky armbands and go join in that shit.

Word of advice though....... Don't circle pit in a room with artexing. You'll get skint elbows. 

This recipe is a bung it all in an oven tray and pap it in the oven dish. 
Easy peasy lemon squeasy. 
POOF! and it's done.

Chicken tray bake for a crowd
Feeds 12

You'll need a BIG DEEP oven tray. Ooh Er matron!

Before cooking

After cooking.


12 boneless and skinnless chicken thighs (the best bit of the chicken. Although Hannibal Lector says to go for the Oysters).
3 red onions peeled and cut into wedges
2 x 500g pack baby carrots tops removed
3 punnets cherry tomatoes
500g trimmed green beans halved
1 Kg baby potatoes sliced thinly
4 cloves garlic sliced thinly
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 tablespoon mustard
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 chicken jelly sock cube
300ml water
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons olive oil

Heat your oven to 190 degrees or equivalent.
Stick everything in a large oven tray and mix well to make sure everything is coated.
Leave to sit for 15 minutes.

Circle pit.

Pap it in the oven.
Leave for 35 to 40 minutes, stirring every now and then. Make sure the chicken is cooked through. You can circle pit while you wait.


Wait 30 minutes then circle pit some more. Don't blame me if you puke.

Machine Head always give good  Circle Pit.

Now I've been in a Machine Head Circle Pit before.
 It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. 
I lost my shoes. 
Once you go in you can't get back out till it stops.
JUST KEEP RUNNING and feel free to scream the entire time. That's what I did.