Todays cocktail inspiration is taken from Japan.
My friend David is living over there just now. Hello David.
Myself, my twin sister my friend Sharon and David all joined forces a few years ago in Tokyo.
It was great and very bizzare.
Well we went to a great Metalish club over there called "Rolling Stone". Very good times were had. We danced to Metallica, Pantera, Rolling Stones and got mobbed when they played Franz Ferdinand. I was very scared.
This is my favourite photo from Rolling Stone (My sister may kill me for this). Also in the picture is Sharon, Kenji and the top of my head.
To this day we still don't know why Arlene was pulling that face.

We had some lovely Nashi pear drinks over in Japan and Earlier this year Arlene bought be some Nashi Pear liqueur.
We had a Tiki BBQ for our Birthday and we made the Prikly Ninja cocktail. Me and Lesley nicked it and drank it all ourselves. Tee Hee Hee.
Here is Arlene with said cocktail (before we nicked it).

Here is a wee video of a proper Heavy Metal band from Japan. They are called METALUCIFER. Awesome.
Prikly Ninja
This makes a BIG jug
1 bottle Nashi Pear wine (You can get this in Asian shops and some supermarkets. If you can't find it then just use Plum wine as it's kind of the same idea)
4 shots vodka
Half cucumber sliced
Sprig fresh mint
Soda water
Lots of ice
Fill your BIG jug with all the above ingredients and leave in the fridge for 5 minutes. Serve. Be carefull, it's like drinking juice but it's potent.
Yeah, you bitches finished it off. Grrrrr!