Lamington : a sponge cake dipped in chocolate icing and coconut.
Lamington, Lemmy, Lemmyington. See what I did there?
Well, I can't take credit for this one.
I love food puns and this particular one was thought up by my buddy Pauline while we were lying on the couch, slightly hungover. Thanks Polly.x
If you guys wanna learn how to bake, I'm your gal.
Stick with me kids and I'll teach you all the dirty little secrets of a baker.
And baking aint just for girls. Guy's, you can make "man cake" too.
I would recommend for anyone who wants to take baking seriously that you invest in an electric hand mixer. You can get cheapo ones for about £5.
Unless you think you can handle the burn of whisking by hand. Good luck to ya.
For the sponge
3 large eggs
100g caster sugar
100g self raising flour
half teaspoon vanilla extract
20g butter melted
raspberry jam
For the icing
250g icing sugar
50g good quality dark chocolate
50g good quality milk chocolate
15g butter
65ml milk
200g DESICRATED (desicated har har) coconut
To makey the cakey
Pre heat your oven to 180 degrees or equivalent
Grease a baking tin (about 20cm x 30cm) or what ever you have lying around in your kitchen and line with baking paper.
Put the eggs and sugar in a large mixing bowl and using your electric hand mixer whisk on high for about 5-6 minutes until light and very thick. Kinda like cream.
Sieve in your flour and fold in with a spatula or metal spoon. Be gentle as you don't want to knock out the air.
Pour in the vanilla and melted butter and fold in gently until incorporated.
Pour into your tin and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. The cake should be slightly springy on top. Check by inserting a knife, if it comes out with no mix stuck to it then the cake is ready.
Leave to cool for 5 minutes then take out of the tin and place onto a wire rack. Cool completely.
I like my Lemmyingtons with jam. So slice the sponge through the middle and spread with jam. Sandwich together then cut into 12 equal sized squares.
To make the icing bung all the ingredients EXCEPT the coconut into a heat proof bowl.
Put your coconut onto a large plate or tray. Put a saucepan filled with one third of water on to simmer. Place the bowl on top making sure the water does not touch the bottom of it. Mix until butter, chocolate and icing sugar has melted and the icing is smooth and runny. Take off the heat. Place one spongy square at a time into the icing to coat all over, shake the excess off and coat in the coconut. Place onto a piece of baking paper to dry.
The Lemmyingtons will keep for about 3 days in an airtight container but if you are anything like me (greedy) then they will be gone within 20 minutes.
All hail the "LEMMYINGTON"
So, while I was sitting waiting on my sponge cooling I was watching Kerrang and a 30 seconds to Mars video came on (No I shall not desecrate the pages of my blog with that Emo pap. Attractive as Mr Leto is, his band just does not cut the Heavy Metal mustard). I was wondering weather I thought Jared Leto looked hot with a Mohawk? Couldn't decide. I was also wondering that when a singer in a band has a stylist to make him "look" Rawk! is it time to give up???????
Thank God for bands like "Hellyeah".
P.S. I will start putting pictures up when I figure out how to use my camera. XXXXXX